Online Exam portal is the best mode to track the students' capabilities and test them, propel them in high levels to act their best in the next attack. Online Exam portal not only looking into the down marks of students, but also assisting the students and educational institutes transcend geographical boundaries and time restraints in the chore of constant evaluation of pupil functioning. The online Exam Portal provides intensive tools to administer, monitor and grade exams on-line.
Advanced dashboard with multiple excellent statistics and widge.
Unlimited User and their Role and Permission to assign user roles.
Admin, Teacher, Student, Sub-Admin.
Teacher can add objective/long or image type Question and Student give Exam online.
PayPal, PayUmoney integrated with the management system.
Manage Exam time, Mark, Subject and Language .
We Provide free website or fong page for show your Packages.
Privileged users can manage invoice & payments of Buy.
Privileged users can send email and sms to any user or user group.
Create your exam packages for sale your test series.
Show Exam results and Question's Answer.
This Portal Like same as IBPS, SSC and other Exam.
↪ This portalinclude free hosting and Domain by our side, no any additional charge include on it.
↪ This is a third-party product.
↪ We provide 3 Times Support and Training on your office, and Provide unlimited Online Support on Call.
↪ If you want a Expert person whose work on your institute for maintain Portal or add Question Related work, so you need to Pay Extra Charge or Salaries.
↪ Plan Features and Price Can be change any time without any notification.
↪ All Plan Valid only For One Year, You can renew your Plan For Next Year Use.
↪ All Plan take 3 to 15 Days for activation or Developments.
↪ Some Important Page maintenance or Development are Free but more page are chargeable.
We Provide all Services, if You need more services then call me or contact with us.